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Theatre on a Budget!

So this week has been all about going back over Bec's feedback and editing what we have in order to make it as good as possible. We went through every single one of her points and wrote down how we could incorporate them into the material we have. The most important point we felt Bec made was about tying everything together. At the moment, the piece sort of feels as though it's lots of separate scenes but doesn't fit together as a whole performance. So we've mostly been working on sorting that out this week. Which has resulted in a change of scene order, less reliance on videos and tech to transition between scenes and mostly just finding things that can flow throughout the piece to bring it all together to feel like it's a story. We have also changed some of the spoken text, explored more poetry and an overall theme of war and people escaping war, which has also had an interesting affect on the piece as a whole. So week 24 has been productive and has seen a lot of changes, but positive ones. We are really committed to tackling this very important and current issue and really want to do it justice, so we are working to the bone to achieve this!

It hasn't all been about the rehearsal though this week. Yesterday we spent the day purchasing set and props. We have a small budget, so a lot of the props we decided to make. With some pizza boxes (always eating pizza...for the cause!) and parcel wrap, we managed to make some really good protest signs and are really pleased with them. We also had so much fun making them all. It was nice to take a break from rehearsal and spend time together getting all the props and set organised.

Photo Credit: TinCan Theatre

Photo Credit: TinCan Theatre

We're hoping that this will also enhance our rehearsals from now on. We will no longer have to pretend that certain set isn't there or mime the props we're using. This should help us considerably with actual timing and characterisation. Now we have all the necessary tools we can start to use them to bring the best out of our creation! Tomorrow will be the our first rehearsal with all the set and props, so we'll see how it goes.

Exciting times ahead!

TinCan X

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