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Easter Eagerness!

I would like to begin this blog post with an apology. There has been no update in over two weeks, but I do have a good excuse. And that excuse is EASTER! After the progress showings we only had four days before the term ended for Easter, where we were given three weeks off. Here at TinCan, we felt we should spend some time stuffing our faces with Easter Eggs. So we took a well deserved week off to travel home and visit family. We then got back to it this week. We've spent the last four days in the studio and have managed to rock up around 22 hours of rehearsal which has been unbelievably beneficial. We managed to devise 5 more scenes and ran over some of the scenes we already have. It was so nice to come back to the studio and just have an abundance of time to play and create. The first three days we spent six solid hours each day just creating new material and improving on the material we already had. Today we only managed to get four hours in, but spent those hours running over what we had and fine tuning things. We came up with an initial timeline which looks as follows:

Photo Credit: TinCan Theatre

That probably doesn't make huge amounts of sense... but we don't want to give too much away! Although we have this timeline, it is subject to change. There might be some shuffles, but it's good to have an anchor. We have something written down and solid, but not something concrete. At the start of this week, we had an idea of what sort of scenes we wanted, but now we have material. If we were suddenly surprised tomorrow with 'you have to perform today!' we could perform about an hours show... it wouldn't be particularly good... but we could do it! Our piece could benefit from some serious editing, so this is what we'll do when we return.

For now though, we have one more week off. But this will be spent finishing our dissertations. Our deadline for those is the 19th April. So that will take priority this week. My next post might include some information about those... we shall see.

See you in a week!

TinCan X

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