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The Life of a Rehearsal

Hello followers! I thought it might be quite interesting to give a bit of an insight into what a typical rehearsal is for TinCan. So you can see what it is we do here. So here goes: a rehearsal lifespan.

- So it usually begins with us meeting an hour or so before our actual rehearsal time. We're a bit of a chatty bunch, so it's good to get our hellos and our gossip out of the way before we enter into a rehearsal space. We also use this time to plan out exactly what it is we're going to do in the rehearsal, so we utilise all of our time. However, in the early devising process, the planning of rehearsals is usually conducted at the end of the previous rehearsal. This is because we usually set workshop tasks for each member to run in the next rehearsal.

- When we enter the studio, we begin by setting up the space with any set we need. If we don't have the set we need, then we use markers, such as chairs, so we know how much performance space we have. We also set up any tech we need - this is usually just setting up a video camera so we can watch our work back and plugging in a laptop for any sound we need. Doing this also gets us comfortable and familiar with the space we're performing in, which is really important for letting creativity flow.

- Depending on how long we have in the studio, we try and get a quick warm up in. Both a physical and vocal warm up (usually done at the same time). But sometimes we only have a short amount of time in the studio, so it's not always done.

- We then go about our plan that we'd set up before. We usually go over scenes that we're not too sure on or if it's a case of devising, we will begin with the general theme we want to cover and begin to improvise. Each person usually pitches in an idea and they direct their vision. A lot of the time one person brings in an activity or workshop which will generate ideas and material. But towards the end of the process, it's mostly running scenes that aren't up to scratch or working out how we can improve each scene.

And that's pretty much it! Every rehearsal is different, as each has a different requirement, a different space (which generates different material) and a different feel. But if you'd like to see more specific examples, head on over to our 'Productions' page and there you'll find a link for our upcoming show 'Home is the Mouth of a Shark'. There are some rehearsal clips that are pretty insightful!

Hope you enjoy them!

TinCan X

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